Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Gelibolu Piri Reis Meslek Yüksekokulu

About us

Gallipoli Vocational School started its activities in Lapseki in the 1994-1995 academic year with the decision of the Council of Higher Education dated 14.02.1994 and numbered 2547/2880. In the 1995-1996 academic year, it gave its first graduates. Since October 01, 1997, he has continued his educational activities in the building allocated by the Gallipoli Municipality. Our Vocational School moved to the new service building on July 12, 2015 and continues to carry out its educational activities.

The name of our School, which provides education as Gallipoli Vocational School, has been changed to "Gallipoli Piri Reis Vocational School" in accordance with Article 7 /d-2 amended by law No. 2548/2880 dated 22.09.2000.

In our school, after the studies of the Higher Education Council on the names of Departments and Programs in 2009, the names of the existing Departments and Programs were changed and made suitable for the relevant study. As of the 2018-2019 academic year, our Vocational School continues its educational activities with 5 departments and 6 programs.